Publication Ethics


Jurnal Pengelolaan Lingkungan Berkelanjutan (JPLB) / Journal of Environmental Sustainability Management (JESM) is committed to applying ethics with high standards in scientific journal publication activities. JPLB ensures that there are no publication malpractices. All manuscripts sent by authors for publication must be the author’s original research results representing the contributions of each author, not plagiarized or imitating the work of other parties, and have never been published anywhere.

All submissions will be checked by anti-plagiarism software. Manuscripts that are detected plagiarism or have a level of similarity above 20% cannot move to the next publishing process, except on the condition of making improvements to the manuscript. 

The scientific publications ethics adhered to by the Jurnal Pengelolaan Lingkungan Berkelanjutan (JPLB) / Journal of Environmental Sustainability Management (JESM) are based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) which has been adopted in the Regulation of the Head of Indonesian Institute of Science and Technology No. 5 Years 2014 about Scientific Publication Ethics Code and listed in Journal Accreditation Guidelines for 2018 published by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia.

The scientific publication ethics serve as a reference for management control in carrying out scientific journal publication activities. There is a code of ethics for all parties involved in the process of scientific journals publication including managers, editors, reviewer, and authors. The publication ethics also guide the parties mentioned above as well as sponsors/third parties to always comply with the ethics code, follow the standards, and accept responsibility for good management practices in the scientific journal publication system.

The results of a good publication system process are scientific journals that are accepted for publication, has passed the examination process, and trusted with the following characteristics: (1) containing original scientific discoveries, facts, or phenomena that are significant in supporting the advancement of science, technology, and industry; (2) containing discoveries, facts and phenomena written in a scientific language understood by the scientific community; and (3) communicating the results of research as a whole, holistically, and densely.

JPLB publication ethics upholds three ethical values in publications, that is (i) Neutrality, which means being free from conflicts of interest in managing publications; (ii) Equity, which means giving authorship rights to those entitled as authors; and (iii) Honesty, that means free from duplication, fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism (DF2P) in publications.

Duties and responsibilities of the parties involved in the process of scientific journals publications, including;

Journal Manager

  1. Determine the name of the journal, focus and scope, period of publication, and submission of accreditation.
  2. Determine editorial board membership.
  3. Define the relationship between the publisher, editor, reviewer, and other parties in a contract.
  4. Making guidelines on rules and ethical behavior for editors and reviewers.
  5. Publish journals regularly.
  6. Respect for confidential matters, both for contributing researchers, authors, editors, and reviewers.
  7. Applying norms and provisions regarding intellectual property rights, especially copyright.
  8. Review journal policies and present them to the authors, editorial board, reviewers, and readers.
  9. Building a cooperation network and distribution of JPLB with research institutions, related institutions, or other parties.
  10. Prepare permits and other aspects of legality.
  11. Guarantee the availability of financial resources for the sustainability of journal publishing.

Journal Editor

  1. Meeting the needs of readers and authors.
  2. Strive to improve the quality of publications sustainably.
  3. Implement a process to guarantee the quality of published manuscripts.
  4. Responsible for the style and format of the manuscripts, while the contents and all statements in the manuscripts are the responsibility of the author.
  5. Decide whether the manuscript is suitable or not for publication.
  6. Encouraging the author to make improvements to the paper so that it is worth to be published.
  7. Maintain the integrity of the author’s academic track record.
  8. Promoting the freedom of opinion objectively.
  9. Have an open mind to the new opinions or views of others that may conflict with personal opinions.
  10. Do not defend their own opinions, authors or third parties, that can lead to decisions that are not objective.
  11. Submit corrections, clarifications, withdrawals, and apologies if needed.
  12. Support initiatives to educate researchers about the publication
  13. Actively asking for the opinions of authors, readers, reviewers, and editorial board members to improve the quality of publications.
  14. Encourage an evaluation of the journal if there are findings.
  15. Assess the effects of published policies on the attitudes of authors and reviewers and improve them to increase responsibility and minimize errors.


  1. Obtaining the task from the editor to examine the manuscript and submit its review to the editor, as material for determining the eligibility of a manuscript to be published.
  2. Conduct a review in a timely manner in accordance with the style or standards of the journal (JPLB’s Templates and/or Writing Guidelines) and based on scientific principles (introduction, data collection and analysis methods, results and discussion, and conclusions).
  3. Re-examine the paper that has been repaired in accordance with the standards.
  4. Encourage the author to improve the manuscript by providing criticism, suggestions, input, and recommendations.
  5. Not reviewing the manuscript that involves him, either directly or indirectly.
  6. Maintaining the privacy or confidentiality of the author by not disseminating the results of corrections, suggestions and recommendations from the manuscripts reviewed.


  1. Ensure that the names in the list of authors meet the criteria as authors and in the order of their contribution (the agreement of all members).
  2. Ensure that the paper submitted for publication is original, has never been published anywhere in any language, and is not in the process of submission to other publishers.
  3. Provide a statement of the origin of the resources (including funding), both directly and indirectly.
  4. Collectively responsible for the work and contents of the manuscript, including methods, analysis, results and discussion, and conclusions.
  5. Explain limitations in research.
  6. Respond to the comments made by reviewers in a professional and timely manner.
  7. Notify immediately to the editor/publisher if there are errors in the manuscript.
  8. Inform the editor if will retract the manuscript.