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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a Cambria 12-pt font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


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>>> Download Journal (JPLB) Writing Guidelines <<<

Writing the manuscript to be submitted in the JPLB must follow the writing style used by JPLB. We urge the authors to follow the JOURNAL WRITING GUIDELINES described at the bottom of this page or can be downloaded via the link above, and use the TEMPLATE  that has been provided to facilitate on writing the manuscript.

Writing Guidelines. JPLB accepts and publishes research/scientific manuscripts with a maximum number of pages is 15 pages (including tables and figures). The manuscript is written in B5 paper size (182 x 257 mm), using the top and bottom margins of 2.54 cm and the left and right margins of 1.9 cm.

Script Format.

The manuscript is written in the order of the title of the manuscript, the name of the author (abbreviated first name and last name written in full), author affiliation (correspondence email written on footnotes), abstracts in Indonesian and English, introduction, methodology, results and discussion, conclusions and suggestions, acknowledgment, and references.

Title. The title of the manuscript is a maximum of fifteen (15) words excluding prepositions and conjunctions, and a maximum of three lines. Capital letters are used at the beginning of words in titles and geographical names (river, province names, etc.). Capital letters in all letters are only written in the naming model that is commonly used, for example, to write weather research modeling to WRF. Latin names can be written in italics according to the respective guidelines.

Author's name. The author's name is written without a title. The author's first name is abbreviated then given a dot (.) and the author's last name is written in full. Example of writing the author's name: Sri Ayudia Muslimah becomes S. A. Muslimah. First and second author names, and second and next author names separated by commas (,). If the author's name is more than one (1), before the last author's name is not written the word "and". Example of writing: H. Effendi, S. A. Muslimah, A. K. Wijayanto.

Author Affiliation. The author's affiliation is written in full with the name of the author’s department, institution, city, and country. Correspondent authors write the correspondence emails on footnotes with an asterisk (*) at the end of the author's name as a marker for the correspondent author.

Abstract. Abstract written in Indonesian and English. Abstracts are written to a maximum of 200 words (including prepositions and conjunctions). The abstract is equipped with kata kunci (abstract Indonesian) and keywords (abstract in English). The maximum number of keywords is 5 keywords.

Introduction. Contains theory, background accompanied by previous research (which supports strong reasons for doing research), and the purpose of the study.

Methodology. Contains study location, research time, and data analysis procedures. Describe the flow of the analysis process.

Results and Discussion. Present the results accompanied by analysis and discussion, supported by references from previous studies. Can be equipped with illustrations in the form of tables, graphs, or maps.

Conclusions and Suggestions. Conclusions answer the objectives, while the suggestions describe specifically for the improvement of analysis. Suggestions are optional.

Acknowledgment. Addressed to specific institutions or agencies involved in the research. The acknowledgment part is also optional.

Reference in Manuscript Body. How to write a citation on the manuscript can conducted by writing the author's last name and then the year of publication (the year of publication is in brackets), for example, Mirna (2010). Citation writing can also conduct by writing the author's last name and year of publication both in brackets without commas separated, for example (Indra 2015). If the reference is the name of an abbreviated institution, then just the abbreviation is written followed by the publication year in brackets or both in brackets without commas, for example, BPS (2010) or (BPS 2010). When referring to government regulations or ministerial decrees, citation writing conducted by writing the name of the document (maybe abbreviated) followed by the number and year of the document, as well as about the document (optional). Examples of writing documents in a manuscript body are Government Regulation Number 66 Year 2011 or PP No. 66 of 2011 or PP No. 66 of 2011 about codes and data of government administrative areas or Government Number 66 of 2011 on codes and data of government administrative regions. Writing et al. used if the number of authors in the library is more than two authors, for example, Effendi et al. 2016 or (Effendi et al. 2016).

References. The references that are allowed to be used are divided into two i.e. primary references such as books and journals, and secondary references such as undergraduate thesis/thesis/dissertations and scientific papers from the internet. The number of reference libraries is at least 10 libraries with a composition of 70% primary reference and 30% secondary reference. Reference is written with the author's last name and followed by the year of publication of the scientific work. The bibliography is written by sorting the author's name in alphabetical order.


If the journal referred to an Indonesian language journal, the name of the author is separated by "dan", whereas if the journal is in English, the name of the author is separated by "and". The journal author's name is written by writing the author's last name first then followed by the abbreviation of the author's first name. For example, the author's name is Levin Marque David, then the name of the author on the bibliography written to be David LM. The title of the journal article is written in capital letters in the first letters of the first word, as well as in geographical names, country names, and other types of capital letters according to enhanced spelling (EYD). Journal names are written in capital letters in the first letter of each word.

The order of writing a bibliography from the journal is: Name of the author. Year. Title. Journal Name Volume(Number):Page.

Example: David LM and Nair PR. 2013. Tropospheric column O3 and NO2 over the Indian region observed by Ozone. Atmospheric Environment 65(1):25-39.


Writing a bibliography from proceedings has the order i.e. author's name, year of publication, the title of the manuscript [Proceeding/Prosiding], the name of the proceeding, and the publisher. The author's name is written by writing the author's last name first then followed by the abbreviation of the author's first name, for example, Irza Arnita Nur, then written to be Nur IA. The name of the title of the manuscript is written with capital letters in the first letters in the first word, geographical name, country name, and other types of capital letters according to enhanced spelling (EYD). After writing the title of the manuscript, it is given a sign like the following [Proceeding/Prosiding]. The writing is adjusted to the language used in the proceeding, Proceeding (English) and Prosiding (Indonesian).

Example: Nur IA. 2016. Spatial distributions of nitrogen dioxide over Jakarta [Proceeding]. Proceeding of LISat Symposium. IOP Conference Series.


If the book is published by an agency/institution that has a long name, then the name of the agency/institution can be abbreviated. For example, the Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika is abbreviated as BMKG. The name of the agency/institution is given open and close square brackets, written [BMKG]. The order of writing the bibliography for the book is the author's name, year, title, publisher, city of publication. Writing the bibliography for a book published by an agency/institution is [Abbreviation of agency/institution] Full name of agency/institution. Year. Title. Publisher. City of publishing. If the book has an editor, the order of writing the bibliography becomes the author's name. Year. Title. Ed. Editor's name. Publisher. City of publishing. The name of the author and the name of the editor are written with the last name first then followed by the abbreviated first name, for example, Hefni Effendi to Effendi H. The name of the book title is written with capital letters in the first letter in the first word, as well as geographical names, country names, and other types of capital letters according to enhanced spelling (EYD). Here is an example of writing a bibliography from a book reference:

[BMKG] Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika. 2008. Panduan menggunakan GrADS untuk pemula. BMKG. Jakarta.

Effendi H. 2010. Telaga warna. IPB Press. Bogor

Heryanto AG. Kajian daya tampung beban pencemaran di Sungai Cimanuk. IPB Press. Bogor.

Wijayanto AK. 2017. Sistem informasi geografis. Ed. Setiawan Y. IPB Press. Bogor.

Undergraduate Thesis/Thesis/Dissertation

The order of writing bibliography from the undergraduate thesis, thesis, and dissertation is the name of the author, year, title, institution/university, and city. The author's name is written by writing the author's last name first then followed by the abbreviation of the first name, for example, Gatot Prayoga has then written Prayoga G. The name of the undergraduate thesis/thesis/dissertation title is written in capital letters in the first letter in the first word, as well as the geographical name, country names and other types of capital letters according to enhanced spelling (EYD). Here is an example of writing a bibliography from the undergraduate thesis/thesis/dissertation:

Muslimah SA. 2018. Pemodelan ozon troposferik di Indonesia dengan memanfaatkan data ozone monitoring instrument [Thesis] data. Department of Applied Climatology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB University. Bogor.

Prayoga G. 2018. Kandungan logam berat dalam sedimen dan status mutu perairan Segara Anakan bagian timur, Cilacap, Jawa Tengah [Undergraduate Thesis]. Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University. Bogor.

State Document

The state documents written in the bibliography include government regulations, laws, and ministerial decrees, and other regulations. The order of writing is the abbreviation name of the document (optional, depending on how to write the citation on the manuscript body) then the full name of the document), number, year, and about the document. Explanation "about the document", none of which is written in capital letters, except for the geographical name, country name, and other types of capital letters according to enhanced spelling (EYD). Here is an example of writing a bibliography from state documents:

Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 66 of 2011 about the code and data of government administration areas.

Government Regulation Number 82 of 2001 about water quality management and water pollution control.

Scientific Publication from the Internet

Scientific publications from the internet can be referred to in a manuscript with a maximum of three sources, this is to maintain the quality of references in the manuscript. The order of writing scientific publications from the internet is: Author's name. Year. Title of scientific publication [internet]. Available at: published address.

Example[DPKHL] Direktorat Pengendalian Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan, Direktorat Jenderal Pengendalian Perubahan Iklim, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan. 2015. Karhutla monitoring sistem [internet]. Available at: http://sipongi.menlhk.go.id/hotspot/luas_ kebakaran.


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